Perutusan Hari Krismas 2023 Dan Tahun Baru 2024







Dear Friends, 

First let me extend a very warm Christmas greeting to all our Christian friends. On behalf of my family I would like to wish all our Christians friends a happy and merry Christmas. 

I am sure this is the time of the year again that Christians look forward to with full of hope while others are eagerly waiting for the year end festivities. 

True to the spirit of our unity in diversity, people of different religious and racial backgrounds are also sharing in the fun and joy of Christmas as a manifestation of their deep respect for the beliefs, customs, and traditions of their fellow Sarawakians. 

Dear friends, 

In keeping with Sarawak’s social inclusiveness, among the most noble of things for us to do to our fellow Sarawakian is to ensure that they have a decent place of worship. Previously, some places of worship, especially churches and chapels used to be in sorry conditions. That was why as a caring government we set up UNIFOR to make sure that people of other religions other than Islam have a comfortable place to pray and worship. 

Some non-Muslim leaders likewise have also shown a similar attitude to the needs of Muslims where they are a majority. This is particularly exemplified by the gracious gesture of the wakil rakyat in Belaga who have been most kind to assist the Muslim community there to build a mosque in this upriver town. This is our way and our brand of unity in Sarawak which may not be found in other places. 

In the same vein, UNIFOR was formed not only to dish out funds but also to foster unity and nurture understanding among people of various beliefs and races in Sarawak, among non-Muslims religious communities in particular.  This has been the pillar of strength, that is mutual respect among us. 

Dear friends,

As much as Christmas, as I came to know, is about hope, let me share with you how much personal hope I have about the bright future of Sarawak for us all and our future generations. 

I have just presented the 2024 State budget in the Dewan Undangan Negeri with a record amount of RM12.36 billion. It goes without saying that we can only set aside such a record-breaking sum to run and develop Sarawak because the State's economic performance is good as indicated by the expanding GDP. 

Under PCDS 2030 our GDP is expected to grow from RM140 bil to RM282 bil. Based on the catalytic programmes and the diversifying economy, I am confident that our target of RM282 bil by 2030 can be achieved.

This is my hope and our hope for our Sarawak - to become a developed region with high income by 2030 where everyone enjoys economic prosperity derived from sustainable and renewable resources.

In this beautiful season of Christmas, I sincerely hope that our Christian friends will continue to wish our Sarawak well as a place where her people are united and enjoying a high standard of living. 

Saudara dan saudari sekalian yang saya hormati,

Dalam pada kita berada di ambang meninggalkan tahun 2023 dan melangkah ke tahun 2024, saya mengajak saudara dan saudari sekalian untuk terus mengukuhkan iltizam untuk menyumbang kepada keharmonian dan kemajuan Sarawak dalam apa jua kapasiti dan peranan.

Sarawak adalah ibu pertiwi kita dan kita semua adalah penentu masa hadapan Sarawak yang gemilang. 

Akhir kata, sekali lagi saya dan keluarga mengucapkan Selamat Hari Krismas kepada saudara dan saudari yang merayakan hari Krismas dan selamat tahun baharu 2024 kepada semua rakyat Sarawak.

Bergembiralah di samping keluarga dan sahabat handai. 

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sumber dari : Sarawakku